A Journey towards Living a Plastic Free life - APANAKAH

A Journey towards Living a Plastic Free life

When embarking on the plastic-free journey, you are never alone. Many people are on their way to living with less plastic and reducing its impact on the environment.

Everyone would practice plastic-free living if it were easy to do so.  Although plastic is so pervasive in our lives that replacing it can be difficult, we are all aware on some level that it is bad for the environment. We want everyone who reads this to switch to a less-plastic lifestyle, but we also want to be as open and honest as possible about living this way.

Living without plastic can be challenging at first, but anyone who has made the switch will tell you that it is also gratifying—both for you and for the planet.  Sometimes the most difficult part of developing a new habit is getting started. Once you get more involved, it usually starts to grow on its own.

Minimizing plastic in as many areas of your life as possible. Although it may seem difficult, there are many ways to accomplish this. Here are some ways to minimize plastic in some of the most important areas of your life:

1. Find plastic-free alternative products 
Finding alternatives for all the products you purchase that contain plastic is one of the most difficult aspects of living a plastic-free life. When you look closely at the products you purchase, you will discover that an alarming amount comes packaged in plastic or is made entirely or mostly of virgin plastic. You might not always be able to find ready-made substitutes for your plastic-containing products. This is where DIY (do-it-yourself) comes into play.

2. You do not have to go 100% plastic free immediately 

One of the main reasons why people who want to live a less plastic-dependent lifestyle do not make the change is because of this.  The thing is, you do not have to swap out every single one right away! Just don’t buy new plastic products. If it is a safe plastic product, it should stay in your home if it is being used well. 

3. Choose where you purchase from

The good news is that there’s a huge variety of sustainable and ethical brands out there, and the genuine ones are transparent on their websites as to their social and environmental footprint. At Apanakah, we take responsibility for the earth in our small way and consciously strive towards reducing waste and devising eco-friendly methods of crafting our garments. Thus, we have chosen to operate on a made-to-order model, freeing us from typical inventory issues that lead to overproduction. (focus on plastic-free packaging) 

4. Visit the local market/grocery store 

Going to your local market will lessen the need for pointless packaging, resulting in lower grocery store prices and fresher produce because it was typically just picked. 

5. Invest in recyclables 

This step will immediately eliminate your use of single-use items. It’s easy to just say no to disposable plastic bags and replace them with reusable produce bags and shopping tote bags. Carry a reusable coffee cup, straws, utensils, and drink bottle with you whenever you go out. Using these substitutes will not only use less plastic but also save a ton of money. At Apanakah, we send out packages in clothes bags, which may be reused.

6. Buy clothing made of biodegradable and natural fibers 

Clothing made from materials such as hemp or organic cotton makes for fantastic natural fiber fabrics that are both environmentally friendly to produce and highly durable. For instance, we only use 100% organic cotton for our clothing, and we only use natural dyes. 

You will develop the habit of not using plastic, and even though you may occasionally feel compelled to take the easy way out and purchase a plastic item, you will feel too good about what you are accomplishing for the environment and the plastic-free movement to turn back at this point.

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