Why You Should Choose Sustainable & Ethical Fashion - APANAKAH

Why You Should Choose Sustainable & Ethical Fashion

The fashion and apparels industry is famously known as one of the most polluting industries in the world. Making a mindful decision to switch your wardrobe with sustainable, ethical and slow fashion brands will not only make a difference to the planet but the people within it as well.
We give you 4 reasons why you should make a gradual shift to sustainable and ethical fashion.


Quality over Quantity (Waste)

    Sustainable brands focus on quality, using organic materials and herbal dye finishes that are made to last as well as being kind to the environment. The clothing produced by fast fashion brands isn’t made to last – the aim is to get you to buy more, so why would the focus be on making quality long lasting clothing? In choosing sustainable brands that provide quality, you can reduce your waste as well as the amount of clothing that you buy (also saving you money). This is a reason to prefer organic fabrics that are herbal dyed with naturally sourced pigments; these colours fade gracefully and look even better broken in.

    Doing it for yourself

      Fast fashion is all about trends, but we’ve been told what to wear for so long many of us have forgotten what our own unique style looks like. Many sustainable brands like us (Apanakah) focus on creating timeless clothing pieces of high quality. Curate your own personal style, say goodbye to money wasting fast fashion trends and wear clothes that reflect you and your signature style.

      Doing our bit for the planet

        The fast fashion industry leaves behind a huge environmental carbon footprint. From the landfill impact, power and water consumption, to the pesticides and insecticide used in growing cotton and the chemicals that are making their way into the water supply and affecting the health of those in the supply chain, it’s safe to say fast fashion is a real problem for the environment. In choosing sustainable fashion you can say no to supporting the negative environmental impact that the fashion industry is causing, and in-turn reduce your own environmental foot print.

        It’s better for people

          Fast fashion has kept the cost of clothing down at the cost of low pay and conditions in developing countries. By switching to ethically made brands you are ensuring that the clothing you choose to spend your money on hasn’t taken advantage of workers or used child labour.

          Start your sustainable wardrobe journey with Apanakah; checkout our latest 100% organic cotton collections such as ‘Songs Of Earth’ & ‘Under The Moon
          Our pieces are the building blocks of a sustainable wardrobe, a collection of year-round essentials that fly solo in summer, layered in winter, and dressed up or down as your day requires. We design with purpose, ensuring you’ll always be ready for the multiple demands of modern living with the utmost comfort.

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